NEW! Sign up today for a tour of the South Table Mountain Campus!
Sign up today for a tour of the South Table Mountain Campus!
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), one of the 17 U.S. Department of Energy labs, is transforming energy through research, development, commercialization, and deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. While engaging in partnerships with forward-thinking commercial organizations, universities, foundations, and state, federal, and tribal governments. The tour of the South Table Mountain (STM) campus includes an overview of research efforts and demonstrations of clean energy technologies, waste reduction innovations, and efforts to eliminate atmospheric pollution as well as a bird’s eye view of their active laboratories through the observation corridors.
Date: Wednesday, February 26
Time: 8:45am-12pm (departs from the Grand Hyatt Denver)
Cost: $50
Capacity is limited so sign up today! Please note the deadline to register is Tuesday, February 6th.
If you would like to add this to your current registration, please see the attached step by step process.
Already registered for the Denver LGR, but want to purchase a South Table Mountain Campus ticket? Simply log in to your account, go to the Denver LGR event and select individual registration. You will receive a Warning notice that you have already registered. Please select the “ADD SESSIONS TO MY REGISTRATION” button. This will take you where you can add the tickets to your registration. If you should run into any issues, or have questions, contact Elizabeth Snyder at